Thursday, April 8, 2021

paleo diet definition - Introducing the book: Navigating The Paleo Diet

The book consists of 40 pages, and consists of an introduction, 5 chapters and a conclusion.

Chapter 1 talks about: What exactly is the paleo diet?

Chapter Two: Is Membership the Way to Go in This Modern World?

Chapter 3: Certified Paleo Foods

Chapter 4: Exercising on the Paleo Diet

Chapter Five: Is the Paleo Diet Suitable for the Whole Family?

Conclusion: tips to get started today!

In order to be able to understand and visualize the book more, I summarize the author's introduction:

As technology continues to evolve, convenience also works, and ordering food is as simple as clicking a button. Long gone are the days of having to find your food, not to mention having to drive to a restaurant for dinner. Dinner cooking seems less appealing when compared to food conveniences and choices among diners, catering services, fast food and takeout. Globesity, a term coined by the World Health Organization to describe the obesity epidemic worldwide, is another problem as well.


These numbers continue to rise, as do health problems and associated diseases. Throw office tasks, long trips or commutes, and electronics into the mix, and we do a lot of sitting and very little to burn this processed food. Americans spent about 25% of their net income on food ninety years ago, according to a study by the RAND Corporation on the cause of obesity in Americans. Ten percent of this income is on food.


Over the past three quarters, McDonald's has seen a global decline of around 3.3% in sales, possibly an indication of less fast-food consumption. With media coverage of the obesity epidemic and deteriorating health and quality of life, some people are starting to see the light. Documentaries like Fed Up reveal food manufacturers' concerns about profits rather than health, and how added sugar is found in more than 80% of supermarket foods.


To get the book, please click here. I wish you a pleasant reading.

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